GTA V servers for PC suffered downtime due to large influx of players

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Rockstar Games and GTA V services for PC experienced access issues over the weekend. The downtime and connectivity issues were due to the sheer volume of new players following an Epic Games Store giveaway.

Rockstar Games confirmed Sunday that there were connectivity issues with Rockstar Games Services, including the Rockstar Games Launcher and GTA V for PC. Players of GTA V on PC experienced frequent connectivity issues last weekend. Hours after his confirmation, Rockstar reported that the issues fixed should be.

The game maker attributes the problems to “extreme numbers of players.” The game was released in 2013 for the PS3 and Xbox 360, in 2014 for the PS4 and Xbox One, and in 2015 for Windows PCs. GTA V has been experiencing renewed popularity since late last week as the Epic Games Store is temporarily giving the game away for free. In addition to new users, Epic hopes many of its users will enable two-factor authentication, which should lead to more secure accounts and a decrease in cheaters. The Epic Games Store also succumbed to the big crowds.

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