Google Maps will display speed limits when navigating

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Google Maps will probably show the user’s speed and the speed limit on the road while navigating. Many users have been asking for that feature for years and the search giant now seems to be developing it.

If Google turns it on in Maps, it will be enabled by default, tech site Android Police reports based on a teardown of the installation file of the new Google Maps. Disabling will be possible through the settings of the application. The site knows the feature is coming from the references to it in additions to the app’s code.

The option to display the live speed and display the speed limit on the screen is still missing in the application, but is a feature that many standalone navigators and some competing navigation software have had for years.

It was already possible to add speed and speed limit information on Android phones through apps like Velociraptor, which overlay that information. It is unknown when Google will enable the feature. It usually takes a few weeks to months after discovering code in the app for a new feature to become active.

Old version TomTom on Android, which already had the discussed function then

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AndroidApplicationGoogleGoogle mapsLimitMapsNavigationRoadSoftwareTomTom