Google Assistant Duplex feature is coming to more Android smartphones and iPhones

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The Google Assistant Duplex feature, which allows the software to call restaurants on behalf of users in the US to make reservations, is coming to more Android smartphones in a few weeks. The software is also coming to iPhones.

The feature will gradually be available on more devices, Google reports. In addition, it is now possible to book restaurants in 43 US states, although the function does not yet work outside of Google’s home country. Duplex is also still limited to English.

Duplex is Assistant’s function to independently call a restaurant to reserve a table. If it is possible to book a table online, Assistant will do that. Only if this is not possible will the software call. Google announced Duplex in May of last year, and the feature has been working since last fall. Until now, that’s happened in a limited number of places and only with Google’s own Pixel phones.

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AndroidDuplexEnglishGoogleGoogle AssistantiPhonesPixelrestaurantrestaurantsSmartphonesSoftwareStates