Free Root Cause Analysis Software For Windows

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ORCA stands for Open Source Root  Cause Aanalysis. It is a free Java-based tool to make a complete and detailed documentation for the Root Cause Analysis of a system. You can create an RCA survey for your system and add all components of the system as attributes to the main system. For each attribute, you can add a description and the failure probability difficulty level of correction and impact on the system for the relevant part and also add a reference file .

In addition to the information, you can also create a series of actions in this software. For each action, you can add instructions and link the action to the relevant attribute. Eventually, you can save the RCA documentation as a . Caused file . In this way, everyone can easily analyze the system for analysis of the cause and know what action to take and what the procedure is.

Download this Software for root-cause analysis from here .


CDT-RCA is another free RCA documentation software for Windows. Instead of an indexed interface for attributes, this software gives you a graphical diagram of the system. You can add new attributes for children and brothers and sisters from the Edit menu or from the special option above the system diagram and create the documentation for your system.

For each characteristic you can add:

  • Description (Title, Causal Strength, Cause Type and Narrative.)
  • Event Tags (breach of duty, human error, behavioral choice, contributing factors, mission / value trade and outcome)
  • Risk mitigation [19659026] Dependencies
  • Audit (Five rules of causation)
  • Document
  • Diagram

After adding all the information you can save the RCA research document as a .causes file or export it as a PNG or Docx file. It also gives you an option to print the document directly from the software.

Click HEREdownload this Root Cause Analysis Software

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