Former iPhone user sues Apple over messages that don’t arrive

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A former iPhone user is taking Apple to court because messages no longer reach her now that she has switched to Android. The cause would be messaging service iMessage, but Apple is not commenting.

Bloomberg news agency reported Friday evening that the woman took Apple to court on Thursday. The American Adrienne Moore says this because messages from other iPhone users no longer reach her now that she has an Android smartphone. She exchanged her iPhone 4 for a Samsung Galaxy S5.

The problems would have been caused by iMessage. iPhone users use this messaging service to send messages to each other if their number is linked to an Apple account. However, as soon as someone switches to an Android device, the number remains with Apple as an iMessage device. This means that iPhones will always send an iMessage to that number, even if the owner has switched to another platform.

Moore says he missed ‘countless’ messages. According to the American, Apple refuses to make the problem public and iMessage would also prevent her from switching to a device with a different operating system. She also thinks that Apple should forward the iMessage messages to her new device. The problem has been around for a while and would be a nuisance to several former users, Gizmodo knows.

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