First major update PS5 adds option to save games to external storage

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The first major update for the PlayStation 5 will be released on Wednesday and will add the option to save games to an external USB storage. Until now, games could only be stored on the internal SSD and games had to be downloaded again when reinstalled.

In a blog, Sony writes that with the new update it will be possible to copy games to an external USB storage. Games cannot be played from this drive, but can be reinstalled with this backup on the internal SSD of the PlayStation 5.

Currently, PlayStation 5 owners have to download a game from scratch if they previously uninstalled it. This is a major disadvantage, especially in countries with a data limit or when the user has slower internet.

Sony says that there are still plans to release an M.2. drive that can expand the storage of the PlayStation 5. Games should be playable from this SSD, but Sony does not yet have a concrete date for the release of this drive.

There are a number of other changes in the update. Users will soon be able to hide games in their library and there will be a search function. Furthermore, the Game Base gets a number of small improvements. This will make it easier to switch between friends and parties and you can determine whether you want to receive notifications from a specific party.

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BackupBlogDownloadDriveGamesLimitPlaystationPlayStation 5PS5SonySSDUSB