Facebook lets users search through all public posts

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Facebook is going to delve even further into searches, which simply means that the search function will become more powerful. There is no special name for the increasingly powerful search function. The function relies heavily on the contacts and ‘likes’.

The more powerful search function will gradually become available in the coming days to users who have their accounts set to English US as their primary language in the site’s settings menu, The Verge writes. Facebook has been integrating the search function more deeply into the site for some time now. In 2013, it started with Graph Search, which made it easier to search for photos, locations and users.

Facebook Search has to index 2 trillion messages across the entire social network. The new search will first attempt to show “authoritative” sources, such as news items shared across the network. After that it becomes less specific and the user will see what friends are saying, who have liked something along the lines of the search or commented somewhere and finally, public posts from strangers will be visible.

The change in search should make it easier to follow trending stories, breaking news and the now, a Facebook product manager told The Verge. The whole idea is that by grouping all that information together, it should be ‘very easy to get the full story’. Facebook wants to ‘make it very easy’ to get the different ideas of ‘different people into a story’.

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