European Commission launches quality mark for ‘secure cloud services’

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There will be a European quality mark for cloud services that are considered safe. A working group of the European Union has submitted a proposal for this that will be included in the Cybersecurity Act of the European Commission.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs reports this in a press release. The ministry was one of the participants in the Cspcert working group, which was set up to draw up guidelines for a quality mark. Officially, the proposal still has to be approved by the European Commission, but a spokesperson for the ministry says it is almost certain that the resolution will be adopted.

The quality mark is about cloud services that operate in Europe. The certification examines whether companies meet certain requirements to protect data against theft or unauthorized access, for example by solving vulnerabilities in a timely manner. There will also be guidelines for handling security incidents and for conducting security audits. For the time being, this is a voluntary quality mark that companies can claim themselves.

If the European Commission accepts the proposal, it will become part of the Cybersecurity Act. This is a European regulation that makes it easier to set up certification like this. In the future, in addition to cloud service certificates, there will also be quality marks for online services, internet-of-things devices and companies that offer software-as-a-service. The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security will also have more options to help companies with their digital security.

CloudEconomicEuropean UnionPress ReleaseResolutionSafeSecuritySoftware