EA Announces Battlefield Hardline Premium Membership Content

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Publisher Electronic Arts has announced the content of the Premium Membership for shooting game Battlefield Hardline. Premium members will, among other things, be able to play the four DLC packs earlier than other gamers and get priority access to the queues for servers.

The Premium membership, which will cost gamers 49.99 euros, provides various benefits according to Electronic Arts. For example, the four DLC packs that Hardline will receive will be available to Premium members two weeks earlier. Like Season Pass owners, Premium members don’t have to pay separately for the DLC packs. The packs are called Criminal Activity, Robbery, Getaway and Betrayal. Of the expansions, two will be released in summer, one in the fall and one in early 2016.

Also, while playing Battlefield Hardline, Premium members get priority if they try to enter a full server. The Premium members will also be able to use four exclusive features. They receive special in-game masks, which provide unique gameplay benefits, and can use a weapon bank for additional visual customization options and the ability to track the number of kills per weapon. In addition, there will be special competitive matches and events with double experience points for Premium members, and they will be able to replay the progression system through ‘Legendary Status’. The latter feature is very similar to the Prestige feature, which has been known for several years from the Call of Duty series.

Battlefield Hardline will be released on March 19 for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Hardline is the first game in the Battlefield franchise to be developed by development studio Visceral Games. That studio previously made several games for Electronic Arts, including two The Godfather games and the entire Dead Space series.

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