Developers release permanent jailbreak for PS Vita

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The jailbreak method for the PS Vita that allows users to run homebrew software has been improved, so it should work permanently. An earlier version of the hack had to be reapplied with every reboot.

It concerns the so-called Henkaku jailbreak, of which a new version has been published. The corresponding website contains the instructions to apply the hack. This so-called Henkaku Enso jailbreak remains active after the PS Vita is restarted, unlike an earlier version of the software.

Henkaku allows users to run homebrew software on their PS Vita, including emulators from other systems. For example, it is possible to play the very first version of Doom on the game console. However, it is not possible to run cracked games; drm from Sony prevents this, and the Henkaku software cannot get around this.

The first version of the Vita jailbreak was released last year. The source code of the new version has not yet been published; the developers state that they will do that at a later stage.

DoomGamesHackPSPS VitaSoftwareSony