couples in 55 combinations of skin color and gender

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In a blog post from Unicode Consortium, the company behind the emojis big news has been brought out. After all, all new emoticons that are announced are big news. Did you get a smile on your face when the avocado emoji was announced? Then you will also like this!

Couple emojis

Soon it could be that the new emojis consist of couples who hold each other’s hands in all combinations of gender and skin color. In total, these would be 55 couples. It is not that you will see a laundry list of couples if you hold down the couple emoji. Instead, there will be a standing emoji. If you place it next to each other, it becomes a couple that holds the hand. You can choose the skin color with the single emoji.

Emojis with restriction

There are also emojis with disabilities. A deaf emoji and an emoji with artificial arms and legs are also included. In March, Apple proposed these emoji, and Unicode largely approved the proposal.

In total there will be 179 new emojis in 2019. And even before 2020 new emojis have been announced: a ninja, military helmet, mammoth, dodo, magic wall, feather, saw and a screwdriver. You can need them, right?

AppleBlogBlog PostColorEmojiEmojisMilitaryNewsNinjaUnicodeUnicode Consortium