Battlefield V Trailer Shows New Maps & Pacific Battle Teaser

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Dice has published a trailer about the fourth chapter that will be added to Battlefield V as DLC for everyone. There are five maps featured in the trailer. In addition, there is a very short excerpt showing that chapter five devotedly introduces the battle in the Pacific.

Chapter 4, titled Chapter 4: Defying the Odds, will be released on June 27. As part of that, several new multiplayer maps will be added to the game, including the first of which is Al Sundan, a large African playing field with plenty of space for vehicles. This is followed by the map Marita, the second map in which the Battle of Greece is central. This map is all about battles in narrow streets and will be released in July. At the end of May the first Greek map was released, Mercury, in which it is about the battle for Crete.

Two new maps will then be added in August, with the battle taking place on the small Norwegian island of Lofoten, among other things, where there is hardly any construction. The other map concerns a city in the French Provence with many tall buildings. In October, Operation Underground will follow, a playing field inspired by Operation Metro from Battlefield 3, where battles take place in, among other things, underground tunnels and trains.

At the end of the trailer is a short clip of what the fifth chapter of Battlefield V will bring. Earlier hints from EA already seemed to point to the introduction of the battle in the Pacific. This is confirmed by the short fragment in which a Japanese soldier can be seen being attacked by an American soldier. The characteristic ping sound of a discarded ammunition clip from the American M1 Garand rifle can be heard. For the time being, there are no further details, such as whether well-known battles such as the Battle of Midway or the Landing on Iwo Jima will be transformed into multiplayer maps. EA may announce more details during the E3 trade show.

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