Arrival of new Apple MacBooks is apparent from registration of models

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Apple is still working on new MacBook models for release probably this fall. The manufacturer has registered the laptops in a Eurasian database, intended for import into various countries.

There are seven different type numbers, according to the registration. Such registrations already hinted at the arrival of new hardware. For example, last month eleven models of new iPhones appeared in it, while the new iPod touch is also included.

That number of seven may refer to products with different antennas, but not to versions with different processor configurations; Until now, Apple always gives the same type number. Apple already gave its MacBook Pro an update earlier this year, making it obvious that it concerns MacBooks or MacBook Airs. The already presented Mac Pro is not yet in the database, but it is unlikely that one of these type numbers refers to the new desktop, because this registration speaks of ‘portable computers’.

Last year, the manufacturer held an event at the end of October to showcase its new MacBook Air and Mac Mini. It is unknown if that will happen again this year.

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AppleHardwareiPhonesiPodLaptopsMacMac MiniMac ProMacBookMacBook AirMacBook ProProcessorTouch