Apple posts record sales and says iPhone X is the best-selling iPhone

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Apple posted revenue of $88.3 billion in the quarter, although fewer iPhones were sold than a year earlier. According to Apple, the iPhone X has been the best-selling iPhone every week since its release.

In the press release about the quarterly results, Apple says that the iPhone X has exceeded its expectations. According to the manufacturer, it is the best-selling iPhone since the model came on the market in November. More iPhone X units are sold every week than other iPhones. Apple does not disclose how many copies of the iPhone X have actually been sold.

Apple only provides figures for product groups as a whole and this shows that more than 77.3 million iPhones were delivered in the last three months of 2017. That is less than in the comparable quarter a year earlier, when 78.3 million iPhones were delivered. Nuance here is that the quarter last year ran from September 24 to December 31 and now from September 30 to December 30; the quarter last year was a week longer in Apple’s books.

The average price per iPhone in the past quarter was $796. That is a lot higher than a year ago, when the average price was $ 695. The high average is probably due to the expensive iPhone X.

The shipments of iPads rose minimally, to about 13.2 million units in the past quarter. A year earlier, there were 13.1 million. Shipments of Mac systems and laptops fell to 5.1 million, from 5.4 million in the comparable quarter last year.

While there was no or virtually no growth in delivered products in the past quarter, quarterly sales rose to a record high of $88.3 billion. The previous record was set a year ago, the new record is another thirteen percent higher.

Service revenues, which include revenue from iTunes and app sales, rose 18 percent year-on-year to $8.5 billion. Revenue from the sale of “other products,” a category that includes the Apple TV and Apple Watch, rose 36 percent to $5.5 billion. Apple does not disclose delivery numbers for these products.

The high turnover also resulted in a record profit in the past quarter. That amounted to 20.1 billion dollars, converted about 16 billion euros. A year earlier, earnings in the comparable quarter were $17.9 billion.

Apple iPhone X

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