Apple Lets Users Roll Back Automatic iOS 16 Security Updates

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The automatic security updates that iPhones can install since iOS 16 are reversible. These are updates that are installed via Apple’s Rapid Security Response feature. This feature is enabled by default with iOS 16 and can be disabled.

Users can roll back a Rapid Security Response update in the iOS Version feature within the settings menu. Apple writes that a custom support document. In this document, Apple also states that users can install the security updates manually, as well as software updates. These two features may be intended for possible compatibility issues.

The Rapid Security Response updates are security updates that iPhones running iOS 16 can install automatically, in some cases without having to restart the phone. With this feature, Apple wants to get the security updates to users faster. Eventually, these security updates will also be part of subsequent iOS versions. So, users who disable the Rapid Security Response feature may eventually still get the security updates.
