Apple fixes iCloud for Windows 10 October 2018

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Apple has released a new version of its iCloud for Windows software, which is compatible with Windows 10 October 2018. The previous version had compatibility issues, which, among other things, caused the sync of shared photo albums to stop.

The update brings iCloud for Windows to version number 7.8.1. On the support page, Apple reports that the software works with Windows 7 or later versions. iCloud for Windows 7.7 still stated that it required Windows 7 to Windows 10 April 2018 Update.

Coupled with Windows 10 October 2018, the most recent and troubled version of Windows 10, many users of iCloud for Windows experienced several bugs. Among other things, the synchronization with the Photos app went wrong. Microsoft acknowledged that there were issues and blocked the October 2018 update for iCloud for Windows app users to allow Apple to update its software.

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AppleBugsiCloudMicrosoftPhotoSoftwareWindowsWindows 10Windows 7