All Moto E phones and some Moto G8 models will not get Android 11

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Lenovo is not upgrading any Moto E phone to Android 11, according to the list of phones that will receive the upgrade. The Moto G8 Plus, released last year, will not be upgraded either.

Moto G8 Power

The upgrade will come to all other Moto G8 models, according to the list that Lenovo has put online. The lack of upgrades for the Moto G8 Plus and Moto E models isn’t unexpected; Lenovo does not promise any version upgrade of Android for Moto E models and one upgrade for Moto G phones. The G8 Plus came out with Android 9 last fall and was already upgraded to Android 10. The G8 Power Lite doesn’t seem to be getting an upgrade, even though it was only released eight months ago; that phone also started with Android 9. The One Zoom from last year is also missing from the list.

The list does include all Moto G phones released this year, including the 5G variants and the G9 phones. The razr devices and Edge phones are also in between. Lenovo doesn’t say exactly when the upgrades will come, but the upgrades should start sometime in the coming months. Android 11 came out a few months ago and is already running on various smartphones.

Upgrades to Android 11 from Lenovo razr Edge One Moto G.
2020 razr 5G Edge, Edge + One 5G, One Fusion +, One Fusion G 5G, G 5G Plus, G Fast, G Power, G Pro, G Stylus, G Power, G9, G9 Plus, G9 Play, G9 Power, G8, G8 Power
2019 razr One Action, One Hyper, One Vision
AndroidAndroid 11LenovoMotoSmartphones