Actions against price increases Telenet have been subscribed 120,000 times

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The petition against Telenet’s price increases and the call for a group quotation that followed have been jointly endorsed more than 120,000 times. Telenet will not make a group offer to its customers.

The petition against Telenet’s price increases via and the group quotation via have been endorsed a total of 121,729 times, the organization behind the initiatives said. The petition would have about 80,000 signatories, while more than 30,000 people would have signed up for the group offer.

Through the group purchase, several suppliers can make offers, so that participants can choose a package that suits them. They could then switch by 1 February. Proximus, Scarlet and TV-Vlaanderen are said to have already made proposals. Telenet itself is not participating. “We have already said that we will not succumb to the pressure not to implement our price increase. We would also consider participating in such a group offer as such a concession,” Telenet spokeswoman Isabelle Geeraerts told HLN.