Whatsup Gold – Network Monitoring Tool

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Whatsup Gold is one of the best network monitoring tools when it comes to balancing system loads. Its scaling is horizontal and allows the use of various processes to distribute loads. Whatsup Gold is capable of performing some automatic actions based on events that have occurred. Like SolarWinds or Pandora FMS, it has a system to discover networks and topologies.

By creating proprietary scripts you can add and integrate more applications or services within the monitoring.

We can also connect from mobile devices to access the monitoring panel. Alerts can be set to be sent via email, SMS or through other options.  It’s very easy to configure and process network discoveries and reports. 

Navigation and console are not that intuitive. Its configuration is split between web configurations and manual configurations on the console. It has limited scalability. It’s quite poor for monitoring servers or applications. It has not any open version.

EmailMobileNavigationNetwork Monitoring ToolNetworkspandoraProcessScriptsTools