Steam wants to better show which games are popular with Steam Charts

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Steam has revamped its stats page showing real-time rankings of the current best-selling and most played games. The lists should now provide a more complete picture of the games that players are excited about, according to Valve.

Steam Stats makes way for Steam Charts, with Valve now showing more information in one place. Previously, the stats page consisted of top games based on player numbers at the time. Steam Charts now brings all the factors together in one place. The best-selling games will now be ranked based on all revenue, including DLC ​​and in-game transactions. For the most played games, the number of current players is shown. The best-selling stats will continue to be present on tag and genre pages as before.

Steam Charts must according to Valve In addition to more fully showing what players are excited about, statistics have also been added, such as the number of weeks a game has been in the list and how many places a title has moved up or down in the rankings. It is also possible to view the list per region. By default, users are shown the list of their own country, but it is also possible to switch to other countries or a global view.

At the time of writing, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, due out on October 28, with a multiplayer beta currently available, is on the top of the list with best-selling games on Steam. In the same list, Cyberpunk 2077 is in fourth place. The 2020 game has been criticized for its many bugs and a ‘virtually unplayable’ state on some consoles. Many players asked for their money back. Now Cyberpunk becomes 2077 picked up by many players again after the release of Netflix series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is the most played game on Steam right now, followed by Dota 2 and Apex Legends.

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ApexDLCDota 2GlobalModern WarfareNetflixSteamValve