Square Enix offers David Bowie game for free for a while

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As a tribute to David Bowie, Square Enix is ​​offering the game Omikron: The Nomad Soul for free in its online store until January 22. The recently deceased Bowie appears as a character in the 1999 game and has contributed to the game himself.

The game developed by Quantic Dream takes place in the city of Omikron on the planet Phaenon, where the player has to solve a series of serial murders. It combines elements of adventure and first person shooters. David Bowie appears in the game as the character ‘Boz’, and later on as the lead singer of a band. The game was rated fairly well at the time with scores between sixty and ninety percent.

Several Bowie songs are also included in the soundtrack. Most of these songs can be found on his album ‘Hours…’. The game is available for free in the Square Enix store. After ordering, users will be sent a Steam code that can be redeemed via the platform. At the time of writing, however, ordering in the store produces an error message.

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David BowieOnline StorePlayerSongsSquare EnixSteam