Spotify lets users compare music taste to celebrities

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Spotify has added a new feature that allows users to see how their music tastes match or differ from celebrities. The functionality is also available to users without a paid subscription.

The new functionality is called Listen Alike and can be used on a special webpage that Spotify has set up. After logging in, users can choose a celebrity with whom they want to compare their music taste, after which Spotify hands out a score. The function does not seem to be in the app yet, but works via the web on both desktop and mobile.

For the time being, it is therefore only possible to compare the taste of music with selected celebrities. It is not clear whether there will also be the possibility to compare with friends in the long term, but it is likely that the functionality will be expanded in the long term.

Last week, Spotify also released the option to add polls to podcasts. Podcast creators can post those polls in the app and both hosts and listeners can see the answers in real time.

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