Download Yii PHP Framework 2.0.11

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Yii is a component based PHP framework, with very good performance according to the developers, which makes it particularly suitable for developing large-scale web applications. The framework contains many options, such as mvc, dao/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, jQuery-based AJAX support, scaffolding, input validation, widgets, events and theming. For more information, please refer to this page. The developers have released version 2.0.11 and the release notes for that release are as follows:

Yii 2.0.11 has been released

We are very pleased to announce the release of Yii Framework version 2.0.11. Version 2.0.11 is a minor release of Yii 2.0 which contains more than 110 enhancements and bug fixes.

There are four minor changes that may affect your existing applications so make sure to check the file. Huge thanks to our excellent community. We did it together!

You may follow the development progress of Yii 2 by starring or watching Yii 2.0 GitHub Project. You may also follow Yii Twitter feeds or join Yii Facebook group to connect with other Yii developers. there is also a forum thread about this news announcement.

Since there’s Yii 2.1 in developmentmake sure you have ~2.0.11 in your composer.json instead of >= or * so when next major version of Yii is released, your project won’t break by itself.

Below we summarize some of most important features/fixes included in this release. A complete list of changes can be found in the CHANGELOG.

Version number 2.0.11
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website Yii PHP Framework
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)

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