Download qBittorrent 3.0.1

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An update for version 3.0 of qBittorrent has been released. This open source bittorrent client has versions for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and FreeBSD. The program is with Qt4 developed and based on libtorrent (raster bar). The program is the brainchild of French student Christophe Dumez, who has been working on it since March 2006. Since version 2.0, it is very similar to µTorrent in terms of functionality and appearance. In version 3.0 we see, among other things, a new screen for adding torrents and you can choose where files are saved when adding a magnet link. In version 3.0.1, which is not yet available for download for all platforms, the following problems have also been fixed:

Bug fixed:

  • Fix possible crash when adding a tracker to a magnet torrent without metadata (Closes #1034254)
  • Remember queue position for torrents without metadata (closes #17)
  • Fix crash when using unauthorized characters in label names (closes #19)
  • Fix search plugins updating (closes #25)
  • Make uTP connections rate limited by default

qBittorrent screenshot, click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 3.0.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Vista
Website SourceForge
License type GPL
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