Shop with the Snapchat camera

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Instagram recently came up with a shopping feature in the Stories. Now the first rumors go that Snapchat sight is also going to focus on shopping through the app.

Snapchat camera

A developer from Snapchat revealed that the app is working on a new feature that allows users to shop on Amazon if they point their camera at objects in the environment. This feature is called ‘camera search’. Through this function you will end up on product pages and reviews on Amazon.

Snapchat needs a catch-up battle

A Snapchat spokesman did not want to respond, but the feature was seen in code from the app, TechCrunch reported. The camera could identify objects, numbers and barcodes from users’ cameras.

The new feature of Snapchat is similar to Google Lens, but Snapchat will use 3rd party integrations to identify objects. Snapchat can use it well to win back users, after the decreasing growth. The new design yielded little positive and cost Snapchat users and advertisers.

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