Rockstar Introduces Last Team Standing Update For GTA Online

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Rockstar has announced a new update for GTA V. The so-called Last Team Standing update will be offered from Thursday and will introduce a number of new missions, weapons, vehicles, items and new game options.

The update includes new weapons, vehicles and other items such as helmets and masks. In addition, new game modes and features are introduced that should increase ease of use and stimulate gameplay. Dozens of bugs are also fixed. Rockstar specifically mentions an issue where some players were unable to put crew decals on certain types of jackets.

However, it is the Last Team Standing mode that takes center stage. In that game mode, teams compete against each other and each player has only one chance to make a difference. At least ten new Last Man Standing missions will be added to the game. After the update, gamers will also be able to create and then play missions for that game mode.

Rockstar has also tweaked the matchmaking system slightly. This would have solved the problem of empty lobbies. The Last Team Standing update is a mandatory update that appears when connecting to the Rockstar servers.

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BugsGameplayGamersgtaGTA VMissionsPlayerRockstarTeamVehiclesWeapons