Reddit testing feature that allows users to tip each other

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Reddit is experimenting with a donation option to allow users to tip with real money. For now, the feature only works with one user in one subreddit. Reddit itself withholds 18.5 percent of the tip as a commission.

Reddit administrator internet mallcop announces the feature. He still calls it a small experiment to support user shittymorph. He is known for his reactions that start seriously, but invariably end with a text that refers to a wrestling match.

Users can press Tip on a message from shittymorph, after which a menu will appear with the options to donate three, five or ten dollars, or an amount you enter. Users must pay with their credit card.

For now, users can only give shittymorph a sum of money and that is also only possible in the subreddit of the same name. It is not yet known whether it will be widely available at a later date. It is also not known how the money ends up with shittymorph. It is clear that Reddit makes money from it; 18.5 percent goes to the platform, 3 percent goes to payment processor Stripe. The remaining 78.5 percent goes to the user who gets the tip.

Users have long been able to buy so-called Awards and give them to other users. The virtual reddit coins, which can be purchased with real money, allow users to purchase a Silver, Gold or Platinum Award. In the case of Gold and Platinum, the recipient of such an Award will receive reddit coins in return. Those virtual coins cannot be converted back to real money.

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