PlayStation Store reveals title of new Call of Duty game ‘Infinite Warfare’

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The next installment in the Call of Duty series will likely be titled Infinite Warfare. That name appeared briefly on the PlayStation Store and was removed after a few hours. According to previous rumors, the shooter takes place in space.

A Reddit user discovered the reference to the new Call of Duty game. He came across the title ‘Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’ while browsing the Store on his PlayStation 4. Other gamers and publications managed to reproduce this. The reference has since been removed. Besides the name, the listing did not disclose any information about the game.

At the end of March, it was rumored that the new Call of Duty will take place in space. The name Infinite Warfare seems to reinforce that and could indicate the infinity of space. Eurogamer expects more to be announced about the game next Tuesday and thinks the name was accidentally published a week early.

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Call Of DutyGamersPlaystationPlaystation 4RedditRumors