Online WW2 shooter Days of War will be released in Early Access at the end of this month

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The online shooter Days of War will be released from Steam Early Access on January 30 after several years. With Days of War, the makers want to breathe new life into the team-based World War II shooting games of yesteryear, in which close-range combat is central.

Days of War is known as a competitive shooter with the four-person developer and publisher Driven Arts touting the game as a shooter with a somewhat higher skill ceiling than similar games, which would be the case in part due to a ‘challenging recoil’ when firing the weapons. Days of War seems to have taken inspiration from better-known, older WWII shooters with fairly fast-paced action, such as Day of Defeat, Medal of Honor, and the original Call of Duty. The developer also says that Days of War is trying to revive the style of the classic WW2 shooter games that came out between 2000 and 2010.

The game came about through a Kickstarter campaign, with a small $70,000 pledge. Days of War runs on the Unreal Engine 4. The full version includes support for up to 32 players, with the twelve playing fields located in Europe, North Africa and the Russian front. There are six different classes to play and sixty different weapons. Dedicated servers and a map editor are provided and offline play is also possible in a practice mode against bots. The game should have a fairly realistic style, partly due to the recoil of weapons and because the damage that bullets do is partly based on the thickness and type of material that is pierced.

Days of War has been available as an Early Access title for two years now and can be purchased for $21. The reviews on Steam so far have been mostly negative, although this is mainly due to complaints about too few players and those reactions seem to apply mainly to an earlier version of the game.

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Call Of DutyEngineGamesHonorKickstarterMapMaterialRussianSteamTeamWeapons