NextWindows 10 Enterprise LTSC gets five years instead of ten years

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Microsoft is shortening support for its Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC version. The new release, which will be released in the second half of this year, will receive support for five years. In previous versions, that was ten years. Windows 10 IoT will receive support for another ten years.

Windows 10 versions released to date in the long-term servicing channel have always received ten years of support from Microsoft. This will no longer be the case with the next release; the support for that version is then five years. With this, Microsoft equalizes support with that of Office LTSC. It will also be supported for five years from the next version.

According to Microsoft, many Windows 10 Enterprise users do not need ten years of support. The company claims this after discussions with customers. According to Microsoft, this is due to the rapid change in technology. In scenarios that require ten years of support, customers are better off with Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC, Microsoft believes. That version sticks to a ten-year lifecycle. The same applies to Windows Server, Microsoft emphasizes.

The new versions of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC and the IoT variant will be released in the second half of this year. Support for previously released Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC versions will not be changed; it stays for ten years.

ChannelEnterpriseIoTLifecycleMicrosoftWindowsWindows 10Windows Server