Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is out on Steam

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Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition will be available on Steam on Tuesday. The game, a Dungeons & Dragons-based RPG from developer Beamdog, is a graphically polished version of the original for PC.

Founded by former Bioware employees, the Canadian developer has graphically polished up the original Neverwinter Nights to include changes to the player portrait and interface based on the chosen resolution, which goes up to 4k. Furthermore, the pixel shaders and effects have been improved and options have been added for contrast, brightness and depth of field.

For this remaster of Neverwinter Nights, the developers collaborated with a number of members of the original’s community, including improvements to the storytelling. Furthermore, the new version supports savegames, modules and mods from the original game. Players can also work with a tool on Windows to create their own world full of monsters and items.

Beamdog has repeatedly remastered classic PC games such as Baldur’s Gate, Planescape: Torment, and Icewind Dale. Those games took advantage of the Infinity Engine; Neverwinter Nights is the first remaster of a game made with the Aurora Egine.

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