More than half of deleted unwanted videos on YouTube have no views

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More than half of the unwanted videos YouTube removed last quarter had no views at the time of removal. This was evident from figures shared by the video site. People contribute about 19 percent of the videos to be removed.

Of the 7.8 million unwanted videos removed, algorithms tracked down 6.3 million and people 1.5 million, according to YouTube’s transparency report. Of the videos that algorithms have tracked down, three quarters had not yet been seen by anyone.

After three violations, YouTube removes a channel; that happened 1.67 million times last quarter, causing 58 million videos to disappear from the video site. The vast majority of unwanted videos disappeared because they would be classified as spam or misleading content or scams: 72 percent. Child safety was the reason in 10 percent of the cases, naked in another 10 percent of the cases.

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