Kickstarter launches Patreon competitor for creators’ work subscriptions

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Crowdfunding platform Kickstarter has put a new service online, on which users can give a monthly amount to makers such as artists or performers. The Drip service competes with other services that already offer it, such as Patreon.

Drip wants to distinguish itself from existing services because Kickstarter is behind it and because it is possible to take Drip subscribers to other services. Moreover, the platform mainly focuses on art and music, while Kickstarter has proven more successful for games and tech products.

Anyone can support creators through Drip, but creators can sign up for the new Kickstarter service by invitation only. There is so far one game that potential players can subscribe to to support and monitor development. That game is Lost Ember.

Kickstarter bought a service called Drip last year. There, users could subscribe to a record label and access all the music artists released on that label. That initiative came to a halt after the takeover. The team that created the original Drip is involved in the development of this new service.

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