JJ Abrams’ Production Company Bad Robot Starts Game Division

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JJ Abrams’ film and TV production company is getting a games division that will focus on games for mobile, PC and consoles. The company is collaborating with Chinese gaming company Tencent.

Bad Robot Games will use existing studios for both large projects and indie games. The company will use its own directors, creative departments, musicians and writers in these collaborations. Bad Robot Productions is owned by JJ Abrams and is responsible for the recent Star Trek films, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the Lost and Westworld series, among others.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment is investing in the games division and the collaboration with the Chinese game giant Tencent will probably ensure that the company will receive the distribution rights for games for the Asian market. Bad Robot was previously involved in the game SpyJinx, which is being developed in collaboration with Chair Entertainment, which is part of Epic Games. In addition, alternate reality games have already appeared for Cloverfield, also a Bad Robot production.

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EntertainmentEpic GamesFilmFilmsGamesMobileRobotStar WarsStudiosTencent