Google will again show app permissions for apps in Play Store

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Google will once again display information in the Google Play Store about the permissions that Android apps request on devices. The company is doing this after feedback from developers. This section disappeared earlier this year following the arrival of privacy labels to the Play Store.

According to Google Many Android developers have found the section in Google Play a useful addition to the app store, so the company is bringing it back soon. The company did not provide an exact date. This section allowed users in the Play Store to find out what permissions an Android app on a device needs to function properly according to the developer. This information can also be found via the app settings menu on any Android device.

The information about the permissions disappeared from the Play Store in recent months due to the arrival of privacy labels in the app store. These labels should make it clearer to users which data apps collect and why. Google announced privacy labels in 2021 and rolled them out permanently earlier this year. Tweakers wrote a background story about the privacy labels in the Play Store last year.

Google Play Permissions Panel

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