Gamescom 2018: Nintendo keeps it cozy

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We were invited by Nintendo to watch the latest games on Gamescom. Not that there were spectacular announcements, but especially to be able to play the new games themselves. Besides a boatload of indie games (the Nindies as they are affectionately called), there was also something new for us to play. Smash Bros. was of course. there too, but we have already checked on the Post E3 event . Fortunately, there were enough games that we had not yet had the chance to experience.

Super Mario Party

Patrick: There would once be a Nintendo platform without Mario Party. Since the series started on the N64 there have been a lot of Mario Party’s, but so far I have always had a hatred / love relationship with it. The mini-games in Mario Party are usually very nice, but I sincerely can not stand that all kinds of random misery happens at the end of a game of Mario Party, so that the one who won the most during the game loses because another player has the most fun. hupsje and therefore get fifteen extra stars or points.

Fortunately, our demo was not of that nature. We did not see the game board (which does come back for this version), but played a mode where you could play five minigames in a row, where it was very fair. Most games were made so that you made time or else that it mattered how long you persisted, and based on that time everyone got points. If you were just second, you might not have 700 points, but only 650. That made it a lot better to handle, even though after three out of five games it was clear who was going to win. The last game is then set up again so that a possible backlog on character can be overtaken, but that was not the case with us.

The mini-games were all fun, although it remains true that as a novice you really have some disadvantage compared to someone who has already played the games. Hopefully the full version will be the same, then I can finally say that I really like Mario Party, without any reservations.

Super Mario Party arrives for the Switch on October 5 this year.

Pokémon Let’s Go

Marnix: The first (real) Pokémon game for the Switch becomes a bit of a weird intermediate step for the series. Pokémon Let’s Go has, as the title suggests, copied with Pokémon Go and there the way you capture Pokémon from taken over.

This means that as soon as you encounter a wild Pokemon there will be no more fighting, but the well-known circle will appear. Instead of weakening the pokémon you can now – just like in Pokémon Go – first throw a berry against it. It is exactly that system.

The more expensive version of the game comes with a pokébal controller, so you can feel like a real poker trainer while playing. That pokeball is probably a bit on the small side for adults so it remains to be seen whether that will play comfortably in the long run.

That also applies to the entire game, because you are completely dependent on the motion controls, there is (still) no way to play without the game. That means making a lot of faint throwing movements. It might be fun for the kids, but most people will be ready with that joke after a few times.

Because you no longer fight against wild pokémon, the whole team now gets experience to catch a wild pokémon. Fights with trainers are the old familiar turn-based battles as you are used to from Pokémon games.

The rest of the game will also be familiar to you: Let’s Go is a remake of the original Red / Blue games, and the Viridian Forest where the demo took place had at least the same lay-out as in the old games. Only then does it look beautiful.

Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu / Eevee arrives on the Nintendo Switch on November 16.


Marnix: Nintendo also had a number of indie games that are about to appear on the Switch soon. Night Call is a black and white detective game in which you, as a taxi driver, drive people through the city and in the meantime talk to you to learn more.

Moonlighter is a 2D roguelike in which you have to explore different dungeons in search of loot. The structure resembles The Binding or Isaac: the dungeons consist of different rooms, and you can only go to the next when all enemies are defeated. Unfortunately, the combat did not immediately feel smooth, but with such a short play session it is difficult to say whether that is really a problem or that you are getting used to it.

And then there was The Gardens Between . A puzzle game that is a bit like Braid, since it’s all about moving forward or backward in time. That was clever and it was one of my favorite surprises at Nintendo.

There was also Monster Boy a game that goes back to the Wonder Boy games but does that with the beautiful style that was also used for the Wonder Boy remake last year on the Switch. The game played nicely, looked great and if you like 2D rpg like that, it really promises to be enjoyed. In any case, Patrick was very enthusiastic about it.

Daemon X Machina

Patrick: Unfortunately we could not play this game, but I have to mention something about the Gamescom teaser. This mechgame from the maker of Armored Core lets you step into an ‘Arsenal’ and damn if that does not look fantastic. The game combines the 3D-action of Armored Core in which flying, running and shooting alternate in rapid succession and combines that with a hyper styled animated style.

Does that sound good? Yes, that sounds good. Of course, it remains to be seen whether the game can deliver what the trailer promises, but Nintendo has made a good move by having this game made. Hopefully, the absence of playable code does not mean that we do not see Daemon X Machina that we will not see the game in Europe, but they put it in the eshop: you can not take this away from me, Nintendo!
