Europe: deductible for online banking fraud after device loss

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If users lose a device and money is stolen from someone’s account, for example via internet banking, a deductible of a maximum of 50 euros must apply. This is stated in new legislation proposed by the European Parliament.

It is unclear what exactly these devices are: for example, telephones with internet banking apps on which money is subsequently stolen, but it could also be e.dentifiers and other devices with which payments must be confirmed. . The statement of the European Parliament is not clear on this.

What is certain is that the deductible is a maximum of 50 euros and also applies to people who lose their debit card if fraud is subsequently committed. The statement says nothing about a deductible for fraud after installing malware on someone’s computer.

The European Parliament also advocates more transparency in online payments: for example, when paying a payment, it must be clearly stated what processing the payment costs and how long it takes. Any exchange rates must also be clearly indicated. Moreover, no more administration costs may be charged than the actual costs incurred.

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European Parliament