EA Shows First 3D Model Command & Conquer Remastered

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EA has provided an update on the progress of the Command & Conquer remaster, showing for the first time a 3D model that will be used in the game. The development team promises to stay as close to the original rendering as possible.

The 3d model is the Construction Yard, one of the first buildings players see in Command & Conquer. The rendering of the Con Yard is very similar to that of the original Command & Conquer, but in high resolution. “Our primary goal with the visual approach is to preserve the authenticity of the original in-game parts,” EA’s Jim Vessella told Reddit.

He goes on to report that the pre-production phase of the game is nearing its end. In March, the development team delivered its first playable mission. Currently the developers are working on getting multiplayer working and giving the different parts their final appearance.

Petroglyph Games is responsible for Command & Conquer Remastered. This studio employs people who were also at Westwood, the original studio behind the RTS series. In addition, Lemon Sky Studios helps with the development. This studio was previously involved in the remaster of StarCraft, among others. The parties use C&C’s original source code to base the remaster on. The intention is that Red Alert will eventually get a makeover like this.

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