Ddos attack and server issues plague Battlefield 4 multiplayer

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The multiplayer mode of shooting game Battlefield 4 has been unplayable on PC for a long time last weekend due to a DDO attack. The PS4 version, meanwhile, was struggling with failing servers, which caused that version to have problems as well.

The ddos ​​attack, which left the PC version of Battlefield 4 unplayable for large parts of this weekend, was canceled on Saturday. reported on the Battlelog forum and directly confirmed by DICE in that same forum topic. The Swedish development studio managed to find a solution to the problem over the weekend, but Sunday and Monday complained several gamers still talk about instability and crashes.

In addition to the PC version, the PS4 version of the popular shooting game also suffered from technical issues issues. That version hit the market Friday when the PlayStation 4 was officially introduced in North America. The console sold more than a million times in a weekend and many players took Battlefield 4 at the same time, as evidenced by the server problems the game faced. DICE patched the existing servers and added an ’emergency server’ to resolve the issues. Whether that was successful remains to be seen. While the complaints aren’t as massive as the PC version, there are still players dealing with connectivity issues on the PlayStation 4.

The ddos ​​attack on the PC version and the server problems that arose after the release of the PS4 version last Friday are new chapters in an already difficult introduction to Battlefield 4. The game also struggled briefly on the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. after release with various connection problems, and even there not all seem issues to be resolved.

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