Boston Dynamics lets robots jog and climb stairs

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Robotics company Boston Dynamics has posted new videos of its bipedal Atlas and quadruped SpotMini. It can be seen how Atlas runs a sporty piece on the grass, while SpotMini finds its way through the company building, including climbing a staircase.

Boston Dynamics regularly updates the world on its advances in robotics, perhaps in preparation for the subjugation of humans that may take place in the future. This time we see the humanoid machine Atlas jogging on the grass and, awkwardly, jumping over a tree trunk.

In addition, ‘robot dog’ SpotMini can be seen, which autonomously moves through the Boston Dynamics company building. The corner shows the basis for navigation of the four-legged friend, with a map and 3D structure of the environment. Along the way, he shows his abilities by walking up a flight of stairs and backing down again.

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