Blizzard starts open beta test for camera control esports competition Overwatch

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Blizzard has begun open beta testing for the Overwatch World Cup Viewer. This is a digital camera control panel that allows you to control the angle of the cameras during an Overwatch esports match.

In the October 23 update video, game director Jeff Kaplan reports that the feature was previously only available to professional, official esports observers. With the World Cup Viewer, spectators can decide for themselves in which angle they place the cameras and which players they want to follow. Recorded images can be viewed in the set perspective.

Through the beta test, the development team wants to see to what extent it is possible to use the Viewer outside the e-sports world. “The beta test will allow us to work on the technology. Hopefully that way we can make the feature available to everyone who plays Overwatch,” Kaplan said in the video.

The World Cup Viewer is currently only available to PC players with a dedicated Overwatch client on It is not yet known when console players can also use the feature. This first version of the panel allows live match tracking and review of previous matches.

Blizzard has already experimented with cameras that are accessible to spectators. In May, the Overwatch League All Access Pass came out. That is a paid subscription via Twitch, where spectators, among other things, have a Command Center at their disposal. This allows them to better follow what happens during a match. However, the Command Center’s camera only offers an additional third-person perspective and onlookers cannot control the camera.

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CamerasControl PanelDirectorOverwatchSportsTeamTwitchWorld Cup